Why I created my own personal brand?
I never thought I’d have a website like this.
What would I even write? What am I doing that’s worth sharing? And why put it out for everyone to see, read and comment?
This was never me.
I gave more trust and authority to others than I ever gave to myself. I believed others knew better. That their paths were more valid. That I should follow them rather than lead by myself.
The path begins when you start trusting yourself.
But that way of thinking led me on a downward road. Frustration. Self-doubt. Anger. A cycle of wanting more but not acting on it, not truly. Small actions with fear are not resulting actions.
Until it led me to here.
It brought me to incredible people and opportunities. To coaches I once dismissed, and to experiences I never imagined myself having. I attended seminars, self improvement seminars that I never though are valid. The kind of seminars where you stand in front of hundreds of people, expose yourself, dance, clap, and shout most your inner limiting beliefs from the depths of your heart. The kind where you confront yourself, your fears, and your potential. All at once.
And than something shifted.
I realized how far I could grow. But more importantly, I realized who I could become, who I always was meant to become. This was the start of creating my own path. The beginning of letting go. Letting go of fear, of limiting beliefs, of the worry that I wasn't enough. It’s not all gone. Growth takes time. But the first step, the realization of potential? It makes me unstoppable.
Today, I have coaches in business, psychology, and mindset. The support I once thought I never needed. I believed I could do it all on my own. That I should do it all on my own.
But no one reaches greatness alone.
“Greatness isn’t achieved alone, your team, your network is your strength”
Even world-class athletes don’t train by themselves. They have coaches, nutritionists, psychologists, physiotherapists. They have a network, a group of people who support them, challenge them, and that make that their 1% improvement become their winning factor. That’s the power of guidance. That’s the power of surrounding yourself with the right people.
This is why I created my brand.
To lead by example. To bring others closer to their own path, their own realization, their own growth.
Join me on this journey. Let’s make it happen—together.